Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: December 2023 (Edited Version) Full version Thank You All and Welcome As we come to the end of 2023, we wanted to say a huge “Thank You” to all the organisations, staff and volunteers who have been working as part of the partnership to end homelessness in Manchester. Our partnership working has included: – The co-creation of the new Manchester Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, including a well-attended event in September which brought together partners to consult on the strategy. – Individual Action Group‘s developing a range of projects, such as a toolkit for Non-UK Nationals experiencing homelessness, supporting the first women’s rough sleeping census in Manchester, and a shared jobs board. – Held an insightful webinar on homelessness in the South Asian community for South Asian Heritage month, with guest speakers from local charity Saheli and the Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research organised by our intern Alycia. – Real Change MCR’s campaign with Manchester Arndale and Heard Storytelling for World Homelessness Day, telling stories of people impacted by homelessness through a ‘Random Object of Kindness‘ . – Held training for our partners on including people with lived experience in strategic meetings from the Co-production Action Group and telling your story to the media. – Published a revamped Manchester Homelessness Partnership website with up-to-date information about how to get involved with us, and a new blog. Thank you and congratulations to Zainab Hashmi for working with the partnership over the past year and for gaining a new role within Macc. Please welcome Val Bayliss-Brideaux who is the new Manchester Homelessness Partnership Network and Communication Worker. You can contact Val via e mail on or call her on 07392 442354. Manchester Homelessness Partnership Information about Manchester Homelessness Partnership can be found on our website. There is the opportunity to express an interest in an Action Group to help end homelessness in Manchester. At the centre of the Manchester Homelessness Partnership is our Charter , which unites people, organisations, and businesses together with one shared vision and set of values. The Charter was co-created by people experiencing homelessness and the organisations which provide support services. Events, Funding, News and Resources Manchester Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 to 2027 Manchester’s homelessness strategy sets out how the Council and its partners will work together towards ending homelessness. The new three-year Homelessness and Rough Sleeping strategy, which covers the period 2024 to 2027 sets out how the Council will work with the voluntary, community and faith sector plus schools, health services and early help services. It identifies four priorities: Increasing prevention, reducing rough sleeping, sourcing more suitable and affordable accommodation and supporting better lives. The strategy will be supported by a detailed action plan for the Council and the wider Manchester Homelessness Partnership which is currently being developed. Manchester Health and Homelessness Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) on Health and Homelessness provides a summary of the evidence and data regarding the health of people who are rough sleeping or experiencing homelessness in Manchester. It describes some of the health issues that may affect Manchester residents experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness and rough sleeping and outlines what Manchester City Council and its partners are doing to support this cohort of people as well as some of the opportunities for action that exist. The JSNA supports and informs the new Manchester Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2027. The intention is for the Health and Homelessness JSNA to be a live resource that changes and develops over time. “Homeless women are invisible not because they don’t exist – they’re hiding from danger” by Nicci Gerrard, The Guardian. Bringing safer injecting to the people that need it – “The time is right to improve access to needle and syringe programmes” from Change, Grow, Live Contribute and have your say on our newsletter Want to contribute to the Manchester Homelessness Partnership newsletter? Send over any events, funding opportunities, news or resources that we can share with the network, to help us in our aim of tackling homelessness in Manchester. We also welcome constructive (and positive) feedback. Please send an email to or call on 07392 442354. Post navigation Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: July 2023Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: January 2024 (Edited Version)