
Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: September 2024 (Edited)

You can read the full version of the e-bulletin here. Our Action Groups and ongoing workNo Wrong Door Event The No Wrong Door event in partnership with Shelter took place on Monday 23 September at City Labs, Nelson Street, Manchester.Our thanks to Bruntwood for donating the event space to us as part of their corporate social Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: September 2024 (Edited)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: August 2024 (Edited)

You can read the full e-bulletin here. Being able to connect and why it is so importantMobile phones play a crucial role in the lives of people experiencing homelessness, serving as a vital tool for communication, access to resources, and maintaining a sense of connection with friends, family and place.Here’s how and why mobile phones are essential Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: August 2024 (Edited)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: July 2024 (Edited)

Here is a link to the full version of the e-bulletin. Homelessness and SafeguardingHomelessness presents a complex challenge that crosses over with various safeguarding concerns. Safeguarding involves protecting vulnerable individuals from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and ensuring their health, safety, and well-being. Here are some key aspects of how homelessness relates to safeguarding:1. Vulnerability– Mental Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: July 2024 (Edited)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: January 2024 (Edited Version)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Board  The Manchester Homelessness Partnership board met on Monday 22 January and was chaired by the Deputy Chair, Councillor Joanna Midgley. Agenda items and discussions took place on the following topics: – A discussion on the newly published Manchester Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, the development of an action plan that will go live Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: January 2024 (Edited Version)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: December 2023 (Edited Version)

Full version Thank You All and Welcome As we come to the end of 2023, we wanted to say a huge “Thank You” to all the organisations, staff and volunteers who have been working as part of the partnership to end homelessness in Manchester. Our partnership working has included: – The co-creation of the new Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: December 2023 (Edited Version)