
Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: February 2025 (Edited)

You can read the full version of the e-bulletin here. Our Action Groups and ongoing work Prevention Action GroupThe Prevention Action Group met in February and discussed the development of case studies using lived experience to demonstrate the work of members and the impact their work has for people experiencing homelessness. Jack from Mustard Tree has offered Manchester Homelessness Partnership E-bulletin: February 2025 (Edited)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: April 2024 (Edited)

Here is a link to the full version of the e-bulletin. Welcome  “Welcome” is a term that embodies the idea of acceptance, inclusion, and hospitality. It signifies extending warmth and openness towards others, inviting them into a space or community with goodwill. For people experiencing homelessness, the concept of welcome holds significant implications. In many Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: April 2024 (Edited)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: December 2023 (Edited Version)

Full version Thank You All and Welcome As we come to the end of 2023, we wanted to say a huge “Thank You” to all the organisations, staff and volunteers who have been working as part of the partnership to end homelessness in Manchester. Our partnership working has included: – The co-creation of the new Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: December 2023 (Edited Version)

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: July 2023

Welcome to the Manchester Homelessness Partnership‘s July newsletter! July 2023 MHP updates We now have Instagram and a Facebook page! Embracing other social media as well as Twitter is helping us reach wider audiences. Go give us a follow:Instagram = @mcrhomelessnessFacebook = search ‘Manchester Homelessness Partnership’ We will be using these accounts to post Action Group Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: July 2023

Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: June 2023

Welcome to the Manchester Homelessness Partnership’s June newsletter! June 2023 MHP Updates Reminder of our new structure! Manchester Homelessness Partnership has taken on a new structure since it’s re – launch, emphasising a direct connection between the Board and the Action Groups.  If you want to find out more about this change, please contact A Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: June 2023