Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: June 2024 (Edited)

Here is a link to the full version of the e-bulletin.

Youth Homelessness
Youth homelessness in Manchester, is a significant issue with various underlying causes and serious implications for the young people and the wider community. Here are some key points and causes: 
– Family Breakdown, which includes conflicts within the family, domestic violence, and breakdown of family relationships 
– Economic Factors, which includes poverty, unemployment, and cuts to welfare benefits 
– Mental Health Issues, where mental health problems and lack of appropriate support can lead to homelessness
– Substance Abuse, which is both a cause and a consequence of homelessness among young people
– Care System Transitions, where young people leaving the care system without adequate support often find themselves homeless
– Lack of Affordable Housing where there is a shortage of affordable housing options that  exacerbates the problem

In Manchester, there are voluntary and community organisations making a difference for and with young people who are experiencing homelessness.

Hello, my name is Kyle
Kyle ended up on the streets at 18, following a family breakdown. With the support of Centrepoint Manchester, he’s now in his own permanent accommodation and on the path to securing stable employment. Centrepoint give the right support at just the right time, so young people like Kyle no longer have to live each day in survival mode – and Centrepoint are with them every step of the way. You can watch Kyle talk about his experience here.

he aktYouth Engagement Programme works across the country to provide opportunities to young people who are currently or have recently accessed akt support services. They provide in-person and online spaces to meet other LGBTQ+ young people and be involved in youth groups, trips, events, and workshops. These are spaces to meet like-minded people and connect with the akt community. They actively consult with young people to develop our services to ensure they remain relevant to the people who access them. You can read young people’s stories here – Tash and Charlie.

Depaul UK provide a safe place, a chance to thrive, and a brighter future for a young person experiencing homelessness. You can read young people’s stories here – JackAli and Emma.

Homeless Link provide resources to understand young people’s development and the impact when experiencing homelessness. During adolescence and into young adulthood, the brain goes through a period of significant re-organisation. Young people accessing homelessness settings often have experiences of developmental trauma: early, repeated trauma and loss which happens within important relationships. You can read more about how practitioners can adapt their practice to be respectful of these needs and empower young people towards independence and out of homelessness here.

Calls To Action 

Activities and Wellbeing Action Group 
The survey is still open for people experiencing homelessness who attend your activities to understand what activities they enjoy, what they would like to see more off and what are the gaps. Here is an online link and a downloadable PDF version of the survey and your support in helping people to complete it would be very much appreciated.
Thank you to Greater Manchester TogetherLifeshareManchester Action on Street Health, and the Booth Centre for supporting this work. Any paper copies of the questionnaire will be collected by members of the Activities and Wellbeing Action Group and collated with the online survey responses. If you need any paper copies printing out, please email 

Useful Information 
Homeless Access to Manchester Libraries
Manchester libraries have always been open and welcoming to all. Free, safe, warm hubs for people to relax, meet friends, read, explore and access free Wi-Fi and public computers.
Manchester libraries do not require any ID or address for people to join. If a person asks to join the library and doesn’t have an address, the address of the library will be used instead. ALL members can use their library card to access ALL services. This includes applying for access to a growing number of our libraries that offer extended ‘Open Plus’ self-service hours.
For more information, please contact Philip Cooke, Libraries and Archives Lead.
Please promote awareness of joining the library as a library card is needed when the library is open but may be unstaffed. 

he UK Government has published an eVisa Stakeholder Toolkit, which includes links to the GOV.UK website and a partner pack which includes factsheets, social media graphics and a presentation about the communications materials.

Understanding Spice and its effects
Thank you Change Grow Live Manchester for sharing this information.

Supporting individuals during hot weather
As the weather gets warmer, people experiencing homelessness are at higher risk of falling ill. Use the Homeless Link resources to familiarise yourself with actions individuals and services can take to mitigate the effects of hot weather.

Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline
Sexual exploitation cases comprised 15 per cent of all modern slavery cases reported to the Helpline in 2023. Learn to Spot the Signs and report anonymous concerns to us free on 08000 121 700.

Right Care, Right Person (RCRP)
The Right Care, Right Person (RCRP) roll out has been paused in Greater Manchester, with a new go live date of 30th September 2024. There are new webinar dates and joining links for you to fully understand Right Care, Right Person. Please share far and wide to your colleagues and please register your attendance.
– Monday 9 September at 2pm
– Wednesday 11 September at 10am

Blogs, Guidance, Journals and Reports 

Providing inclusive services for trans people
This guidance from Homeless Link was updated in June 2024.
Roma Homelessness
This guidance from Homeless Link was updated in June 2024.
Autism and Homelessness
This guidance from Homeless Link was updated in April 2024.
How language impacts Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?
Language is ever evolving and changing, and it is not possible to always know how to best approach an individual or a topic. This resource from Homeless Link considers why it is important to make thoughtful choices around the language we use and provides tips for practitioners working in homelessness settings to enhance their commitment to delivering inclusive and equitable services.

Health and Homelessness

Diabetes Awareness and Homelessness
Too often, people experiencing homelessness can’t access the healthcare they need. 63 per cent are living with a long-term health condition like diabetes. Imagine trying to inject your insulin, monitor your insulin levels, and eat a balanced diet without a safe place to live.For Diabetes Awareness Week this month, Groundswell shared an insightful conversation between actor, Gethin Anthony and Homeless Health Caseworker, Mark, around managing diabetes and other long-term conditions while experiencing homelessness. 

What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C (HCV) is a virus that infects the liver. Hepatitis C is passed on via blood-to-blood contact. This means that blood infected with the virus must get into the bloodstream of another person to be passed on. 
Without treatment, hepatitis C can cause serious damage to the liver. Untreated HCV may eventually lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer or liver failure. With treatment, it’s usually possible to cure hepatitis C after just a few months. Further information on the stages of Hepatitis C, which type and how you may have been exposed to can be read here.
During the first six months of infection (acute hepatitis C), around 1 in 5 people experience one or more of the following symptoms:
– Fatigue (tiredness)
– Loss of appetite
– Stomach ache
– Nausea and/ or vomiting
– A temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or above
– Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin)

Details of later symptoms and what Hepatitis C can do to your body can be found on the Hepatitis C Trust website. The Hepatitis C Trust has a confidential helpline that is staffed by people with personal experience of hepatitis C. It is operational from Monday to Friday: 10.30am to 4.30pm. Call 020 7089 6221. If you live in England, you can order a free Hepatitis C testing kit here

What to do if someone has a seizure (fit)
If you see someone having a seizure or fit, there are some simple things you can do to help. This advice applies to adults only. For further information, visit the website

Events and Training
Online naloxone training – Change, Grow, Live Manchester
Here is a link to online training for staff members on Naloxone from Change Grow Live Manchester.

GMHAN Event- Women’s Experience of Homelessness
Join Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network on Thursday 11 July from 9.30am to 12.30pm for their next full network event focusing on women’s experiences of homelessness. We know that women experience homelessness differently to men, they are less likely to be ‘visibly’ homeless and their experiences can often be overlooked. This event will bring in a range of different stories and perspectives, as well as things we can do together to better understand the experiences of women facing homelessness. Register a place here

Temporary Accommodation: Navigating the system and accessing further support
An online awareness session is being held with Manchester City Council colleagues on the above topic on Monday 22 July 2024 from 2pm to 3pm. If you are interested in attending, please email

Our first awareness session was with St Ann’s Hospice about the Homelessness Palliative Care Service. You can read the presentation here

– Manual Handling
– General Data Protection Regulations
– Self-Awareness and Personal Development
– Introduction to Fraud & Fraud Prevention
– Health & Safety (Level 2)
– Food Safety & Hygiene (Level 2) 

Manchester City Council – Housing Related Support Consultation
Manchester City Council currently commissions a range of housing related support services to people who need short term support to enable them to re-establish and maintain independent living. People using these services are likely to be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and will have a range of support needs.
Taking a person centered and trauma informed approach, housing related support can and should have a positive impact on people’s lives:
– Improved mental and physical health and well-being
– Money management and budgeting skills 
– Help to access opportunities for employment, education, training, and volunteering
– An increase in self-confidence and self-esteem
– Reconnecting with family and friends and the wider community
– Developing a range of independent living skills leading to long term and sustained independence
You can read a presentation about the consultation here. There are two surveys available to provide your feedback: Organisation survey and Residents survey . The surveys close at the end of June 2024. 

SUNshine Women’s Group at the Booth Centre

The Women’s Empowerment Group at the Booth Centre have agreed a new name and designed a logo to start promoting the group to women who are or have experienced homelessness. The new name is the SUNshine Women’s Group with the SUN standing for strength, understanding and nurture. Clare, a volunteer at the Booth Centre has designed the new logo.
The group is open to any woman with experience of homelessness in Manchester. Women meet every Thursday at the Booth Centre from 12.30pm to 2pm. Travel expenses can be reimbursed.
Here is a link to a poster promoting the group and your support in sharing this would be very much appreciated.

News and e-bulletins
Manchester Community Central – Policy and Influence Shorts – May 2024
The Women’s Homelessness Involvement Group are featured in this edition.The first Macc Business Partnerships event took place on Tuesday 11 June, with Judith from Lifeshare talking about her experiences of building partnerships with businesses.The Guardian – Everyone has internet access now’: five digital poverty myths, busted
At its outset, the internet may have been seen as a ‘nice-to-have’ home luxury, however, in 2024 being digitally connected is an essential – those who aren’t online are being left behind …Age Friendly Manchester e-bulletin – June 2024
Manchester City Council – Works and Skills Bulletin – 10 June 202417 June 202424 June 2024
Manchester Active Voice – Issue 90
Manchester Community Central Bulletin – 10 June 202417 June 2024,
Greater Manchester Poverty Action – Newsletter Issue 96
Spirit of Manchester shortlist of nominations
Boaz Trust 
– June 2024 update
Manchester City Council – Let’s Get Digital newsletter – 26 June 2024
Career OpportunitiesCommissioning and Contracts Service Manager – Manchester City Council. Salary – Grade 12 £57,720 – £61,379 (Bar at £60,142) per annum pro rata. Permanent. Closing date 3 July 2024Apply here
Senior Lived Experience Coordinator – Shelter, Greater Manchester. Salary – £37,381, full time 37.5 hours week and permanent. Closing date 10 July 2024Apply here.
Street Support Network
Street Support Network are recruiting a small number of new trustees to join their close-knit team. They are looking for people with all sorts of experience and skills – passionate people who can get stuck in, and help them operate and innovate.