Manchester Homelessness Partnership Newsletter: April 2024 (Edited)

Here is a link to the full version of the e-bulletin.


“Welcome” is a term that embodies the idea of acceptance, inclusion, and hospitality. It signifies extending warmth and openness towards others, inviting them into a space or community with goodwill.

For people experiencing homelessness, the concept of welcome holds significant implications. In many cases, individuals who are homeless face social stigma, discrimination, and marginalisation, which can make them feel unwelcome or invisible in society. This lack of welcome exacerbates their sense of isolation and can hinder their ability to access essential resources and support.

Creating a culture of welcome for people experiencing homelessness involves acknowledging their humanity, treating them with dignity and respect, and providing them with equitable opportunities and access to services. It means fostering environments where they feel valued, accepted, and supported rather than judged or excluded.

Addressing inequalities for people experiencing homelessness requires not only providing basic necessities like shelter, food, and healthcare but also addressing the systemic factors that contribute to their marginalisation. This includes advocating for affordable housing, combating discrimination, providing comprehensive support services, and promoting policies that prioritize social justice and equality.

In essence, embracing the principle of welcome for individuals experiencing homelessness involves recognizing their inherent worth and ensuring that they are included and supported in society, regardless of their housing status.

If you are a provider of a public sector or VCSE service in Manchester, ensuring inclusivity for people experiencing homelessness is essential. Here are some actions you can take to help tackle these inequalities:

– Collaborate with Manchester Homelessness Partnership

– Deliver training and awareness for staff to understand issues and barriers for people experiencing homelessness

– Ensure your services are accessible and inclusive

– Develop and implement tailored support services 

– Help and support advocacy and policy reform

On an individual level, volunteering for VCSE organisations who are working with people and families experiencing homelessness or donating to initiatives like Real Change MCR can make a significant difference. By contributing your time, resources, or expertise, individuals can play a crucial role in providing assistance and support to those in need within the community.

Calls To Action 

Physical Health Action Group 
The Physical Health Action Group is led by Caritas Cornerstone Centre and aims to improve health for people experiencing homelessness in Manchester. The group aims to achieve this by listening to the needs of those with lived experience and networking with stakeholders across Manchester to:
– Help deliver health inclusion standards
– Remove barriers for people accessing healthcare services
– Identifying gaps in healthcare provision
– Addressing health inequalities
– Improve health and well-being
– Reducing pressure on the NHS
– Partnership work across health, care and VCSE
If you are interested in being involved in this action group, please contact Sophie at 

Employment Action Group 
The Employment Action Group, led by the Booth Centre and Radical Recruit, meets monthly to address barriers to employment for people experiencing homelessness. Group members share insights and solutions. To offer job opportunities or support, or attend a group meeting, email One challenge for people experiencing homelessness is affording transport to an interview or training. Please consider using your corporate responsibility and support to fund travel for those in need.

Women’s Homelessness Involvement Group
Women experiencing homelessness may often be perceived as invisible due to several factors:
– Social stigma
– Gender dynamics
– Intersectionality
– Lack of support services
– Criminalisation

Addressing the invisibility of homeless women requires a partnership approach, including destigmatising homelessness, providing gender-sensitive support services, and advocating for policies that address the root causes of homelessness. If you want to make a difference, or share your homelessness lived experience, why not join this action group led by Manchester Women’s Aid and send an email to

Activities and Wellbeing Action Group
This newly formed action group is co-chaired by Greater Manchester Together and Lifeshare.
The aim of the group is to understand what activities are taking place across the city, promote them and identify where there are gaps or new activities that people experiencing homelessness want or can get involved in. The main actions agreed were:
1) A short survey for initially Manchester Homelessness Partnership members, to identify existing activities that are taking place and produce a city-wide timetable. This will help identify any gaps on specific days and avoid duplication of activities. Then identify activities taking place in neighbourhood or city-wide that people can access with or without support. 
2) A short survey for all members to use with people using their services about what activities they are accessing, what activities they would like to do and what are the barriers. 
3) Develop a list of funders and partners that could support the development of new and existing activities based on the survey feedback.
If you are interested in coming along the next Activities and Wellbeing Action Group, please email

Information about all of our action groups can be found on the Manchester Homelessness Partnership website

Blogs, Guidance, Journals and Reports 

*Outreach Guidance: Guidance for people working in rough sleeping outreach services (Homeless Link)
This guidance builds on the outreach principles previously published and how they can be applied. Members of the Rough Sleeping Lived Experience Forum (DLUHC/Expert Link) shared their valuable insights during focus groups, and reviewed this guidance. Please find the guidance here.

*Listen Up! New insight into digital inclusion and exclusion (Groundswell)  
As society increasingly moves online, those already excluded are being left behind. Groundswell’s Listen Up! has published new research into digital inclusion and exclusion for people with experience of homelessness – and why we must offer flexibility, choice and control so that we can all lead healthy and happy lives. Please find out more here.

*Lived experience in policy making guide (Policy Lab with Changing Futures in DLUHC, Revolving Doors Agency and the National Expert Citizens Group)
Reflections on the principles, behaviours, and mindsets that underpin lived experience work. This short guide aims to draw out the principles, behaviours and mindsets, that underpin lived experience work. Lived experience is an important part of policymaking, because it helps us to root policy decisions in real life experiences, ensuring a diversity of perspectives are considered and allowing for new ideas to emerge. Please find the guide here.
* Thank you to Expert Link for sharing the above information*

the lgbtq+ youth homelessness report 2021 
This report supports evidence from akt’s services nationally that specific groups within the LGBTQ+ community are at higher risk of homelessness and when homeless do not receive the support they need. These young people, in particular disabled LGBTQ+ young people, trans young people and LGBTQ+ young people of colour, also often face multiple layers of discrimination. Please refer to akt’s inclusive service delivery toolkit to help create inclusive environments where LGBTQ+ young people feel safe to disclose their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services
Currently it is estimated that more than one in five people in the UK are living in poverty. Living in poverty has a profound impact on people’s health and how they use NHS services. From greater prevalence of a wide range of diseases and difficulties in accessing health care, to later treatment and worse health outcomes, poverty affects every stage of the patient journey. Here are the key points from this King’s Fund long read paper. 

How do different intersectional identities affect people’s experience of the housing system?
This new research project from Justlife, led by people with lived experience, examines temporary accommodation through the lens of intersectionality.

Health and Homelessness
Supporting staff to have conversations about health
Having conversations about health can be difficult for frontline workers. This Homeless Link briefing outlines the key ways in which organisations can ensure their staff have the resources and support they need to feel more confident when having health-related conversations. You can read further information here on why it’s important to have conversations about health.
Understanding Menopause guide for people experiencing homelessness and professionals working in settings
Groundswell has launched this Menopause guide which has been informed by people with lived experience and healthcare professionals.
Psychological approaches to working with people experiencing homelessness webinar
King’s College London is pleased to invite you to a new webinar in the HSCWRU Homelessness series: Psychological approaches to working with people experiencing homelessness on Tuesday 21 May 2024, 10am to 11am.Book here.
Latest episode of the Justlife podcast
People experiencing homelessness face significant barriers to accessing health services, which can drive an intensive use of A&E. Ep.2 of this Justlife podcast explores how we support people to access care before their health declines to a crisis point.
Integrated Care Systems 
Integrated Care Systems across England are made up of two parts – Integrated care boards (ICBs) and Integrated care partnerships (ICPs). Watch this King’s Fund short animation to learn more about how these systems work across England.

Events and Training
Homeless Families Conference
The Shared Health Foundation is hosting the Homeless Families Conference on Wednesday 26 June 2024 from 9am to 4.30pm. Book a free place here
Race, Ethnicity and Experiences of Homelessness Training
This updated training course from Homeless Link on Race, Ethnicity and Experiences of Homelessness offers a full day for practitioners to engage with these challenges in an inclusive environment.
FREE Autism and Suicide Awareness Training 
The Zero Suicide Alliance has made available co-produced Autism and Suicide Awareness online training
Get Involved: Systems Leadership Workshops 2024
You’re invited to join GM Moving and Macc for a range of workshops as part of the Greater Manchester Systems Leadership approach.